Welcome to GSM Events! Home of the largest US based photography club! Best models, friendly hosts and good times await you! Events may include nudity – All photographers must be 18+!
Interested in modeling with us (click here)
What’s next? If you’re new select your location (see links below) and then get a FREE membership! We send out emails announcing events in your area. Then check out the event and if you want to attend, just RSVP at the bottom of that event page!

Pick your GSM Events location!
SoCal GSM Events | Tennessee GSM Events |
SF Bay Areas GSM Events | East Cost GSM Events |
TX Areas GSM Events | FanTC Studios Knoxville TN |
“ Ethical, Professional, Non Bias with no hidden Agenda other than simply to help create great port with original creative works of art. ” Roman Ansari on Jan 30, 2017.